Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dragon Age 2-Deep Roads Expedition?

So I recently bought DA2 around 3 days ago, I didn't purchase Origins so was slightly worrried it woudln't make any sense. The combat was quite hard to grasp at first, but now iv'e picked it up it's all good. However I just currently started the deep roads expedition and i'm at the part where the elvish man is asking for a man to be killed for taking his daughter into the cave/tombs. So I face 3 lots of enimies, i have 2 mages and a rouge with me, no problem. Then i get to the final part, spiders are respawning constantly and some higher levelled character attacks as well.

Iv'e tried this several times now, but always fail. I try new tactics everytime, and have even lowerered the diffifculty to casual just to try get past this. But all fails.

Am i using my character and its abbillties to potentional? I am on level 10, have not really checked out new armour or anything in the shops, just done the main quests and side quests.

Any help would be appreciated, love the game, don't want to put it down.

ps. this is my first rpg styled game like this.|||You can't be on those two quests at the same time. You must still be earning the coin you need to join the expedition. Once you leave for the deep roads expedition, that completely cuts you off from all the other quests in Act 1.

The quest you are having trouble with is a fight that will repeat often in the game, as far as monsters and strategy is concerned.

If you are a mage, then you should have access to Aveline, Carver, and possibly Fenris by now. Drop Merrill from the team - she doesn't get scary powerful until later levels. Put Fenris, Aveline, or Carver in her place - whichever of them you have given talents to taunt enemies and withstand or dish out melee damage.

You need AoE - area of effect spells/abilities, and a proper 'tank' - a melee character whose job it is to focus enemy aggression on them and away from the characters with weaker defenses, like mages.

I will assume that your Hawke and Anders are both equipped with AoE talents. Different ones, hopefully. Firestorm and Tempest are a good choice. If you have Varric or Sebastian, and they have Hail of Arrows, this is also a good AoE. Drop one or two AoE into the bulk of the enemies, and send the rogue and melee characters to mop up the survivors. If someone tries to engage a mage, have the mage use Mind Blast, or Cone of Cold to discourage it, or if you are a Force mage use a spell to throw them back.

If that doesn't work, send your tank to deal with whatever is trying to eat the mages, while the rogue keeps killing things.

If an enemy caster appears, kill it first, with extreme prejudice. If you have a mage with Crushing Prison, drop that on enemy spell casters, Revenanths and similar baddies to tie them up and hurt them while a melee rogue or fighter can pound on them.

Go for combos - enemies stunned by a warrior are easy pickings for a rogue or AoE mage spells. Enemies paralyzed or brittle from mage spells are easy prey for warriors.

And yes - make sure you change our your party weapons and accessories to the best you have on hand. You shouldn't have to spend anything at this point, but anything is better than your starting weapons.|||If you haven't done all side quest id do other ones gain more experience first, then come back to that part or just put it on easy.|||what are you and name your available allies

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