Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What graphics card should I get to run Dragon Age II at MAX graphics?

Windows 7


4.00GB RAM

NVIDIA GeForce GT 240

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz

I posted a question yesterday asking "What do I need to run Dragon Age II at MAX graphics?" and alot of you said my setup was fine I just needed to upgrade my GPU. So I'v narrowed it down to the nVidia GTS450 since its the cheapest and only one in stock. This will cost about $200, I just want to verify that this is exactly what I need...

I went to and it said I needed a new CPU...? Also how much would this take to get installed in because I really cant do this myself so my best option is to get someone else to do it (A professional). The highest I can run the game at currently is high. Any higher and I either get late reactions or glitch spikes.

I dont know what else to say other than I need your help. Should I choose a different GPU? Should I upgrade something else? How much will this all cost?|||GPU Stands For: (Graphics Processing Unit)

CPU Stands For: (Central Processing Unit)

Anyways To install A CPU Just Put it On The Motherboard Bye!!|||The new 6xxx series from Ati is nice

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