Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I need help finding a good RPG. (more details inside) But be warned I'm extremely picky! Help, anyone? Please?

Hey! Okay, so I'm a girl gamer fyi. Um, well recently I got addicted to Dragon Age: Origins, which made my standards ridiculously high. That and Fable. Bleh. But anyways, I can't find a good RPG that will satisfy my needs. So, if anyone has suggestions then, I'll show you my requirements:


**=must have

1) You must be able to create your character(looks, class, etc.)

2) You mist have the female option

3) There must be romance options (Like Mass Effect and DAO, maybe Jade Empire.)

4) Decent graphics. Anything thats Two Worlds and under I will not play. That game horrified me.

5) Good plot.

6) It has to be for: xBox, xBox360, PS3, PSP, NintendoDS, or PC.

7) English, please. I want to get the game soon, possibly in the next three weeks before my birthday.


Dragon Age

Fable 1 2 3


Mass Effect 1 2


Halo (uggh NO SHOOTING GAMES! I HATE THEM! Most, anyway.)

Final Fantasy(s)




Jade Empire

Knights of The Old Republic

Guild Wars; Considering WoW

Sims 1 2 3

And theres more; but I can't remember them all.

So, I am extremely picky. Let's see if theres a challenger, then? :D No one will probably know of anything! xD|||World Of Warcraft. (Best). Characters are very customizable. You have many different races to choose from and many different classes. You can decide to either play on the Alliance or on the Horde. Each will give different races. Most people tend to choose Alliance, but the best players will be Horde or at least have a Horde character. Horde usually beats Alliance when it comes to PVP.

Alliance Races: Human, Gnome, Draenei, Night Elf, Dwarf, and Worgens.
Horde Races: Trolls, Goblins, Blood Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, and the Forsaken.

Classes: Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Shamans, Warlocks, and Warriors.

Only problem, is that it costs $15 per month to play. On top of the cost for the games. You have the original World of Warcraft, plus all the three expansions.

Aion (Pretty Good)

Play either WoW or Aion. Not both, cause I've heard that if you play one, you won't like the other.

Rapplez Epic III (not as good as WoW or Aion, but not horrible either. its also free)
Supreme Destiny (very similar to Diablo, but its free)

-On a side note:
My friend used to play Jade Empire. I tried it, but it reminded me of Rappelz Epic III. Of course Jade Empire is better than Rappelz.|||I'm afraid you're going to have to wait for November 11th, 2011 when they release The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim. The only thing Bethesda has leaked so far is a teaser trailer and the name which corresponds with a regeion of Tamreil just like Morrowind and Daggerfall did, but come February they are supposed to be releasing actual screenshots and videos.|||kingdom hearts birth by sleep u can be aqua shes awesome u cant customize but u can add items that arent seen but u can switch keyblades|||alright so the only thing the game im going to suggest doesnt have is alot of customisation features except making your character look different with the armor but try out baldurs gate dark alliance|||Nothing comes to mind because of your choices. I can give you a game that doesn't fit the first 3 though. Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360. It sort of has a romance option (You make a ring for someone) and awkward romance moments. You play as 2 guys and 1 girl. It is in English but can also be played in Japanese Original Voices. It also has a class system that you pick for your powers. You power up a certain class and get new powers for your character overall. It is also under 10 bucks at GameStop since it has been out since 2007.
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